Owner: A. Rynhart
Area: Ireland
Open Launch.
Construction: GRP, mahogany deck and interior.
Hull model: Frolic 21
Built 1991 by Steam & Electric Launch Co. at Ludham
LOA: 21' 0", LWL: 18' 3", Beam: 5' 8",
White, wheel steering, counter stern, 3/4 hard canopy.
Kingdon type VFT Built 1990 by Langley Engineering at Storrington
Fuel: Coal, Pressure: 175 psi, Heating area: 32 sqft, Output: 300 lbs/hr,
Feed injector and bilge edjector No.1 size, 126 x ½" id tubes 12" long, shell 24" dia x 29" high, Wkettle
3 blades, 16" X 26"
Shaft: 25" mm
New boat built and fitted out for John Shead. Steam plant fitted 1991, first steamed August 1991. Steamed each year since. 2004 aquired by Alan Rynhart of Athlone.