Owner: A. Van Luenen
Area: USA
Open Launch.
Construction: GRP.
Built 1990 by Elliott Bay
Fit out by Andrew Van Luenen
LOA: 23' 6", LWL: 19' 6", Beam: 6' 0", Draft: 1' 6", Displacement: 2500 lbs.
Fantail stern, white, varnished teak deck. Wheel steering
Babcock & Wilcox type cross drum WT Built 1989 by Andrew Van Luenen
Fuel: wood, Pressure: 175 psi, Grate area: 1½ sqft, Heating area: 50 sqft, Output: 50 lbs/hr,
Myers steam fp, ¼" Buffalo injector, Hypro ap, Kcond.
3 blades, Right Hand, 20" X 32"
New launch built and steam plant fitted by owner. FLYER appeared in the motion picture "Maverick".