Owner: A. Bullman
Area: UK-East Anglia
Open Launch.
Construction: GRP.
Fit out 1991 by Richard Mitchell
LOA: 12' 6", LWL: 12' 0", Beam: 5' 0",
VFT Built 1991
Fuel: Coal, Pressure: 100 psi,
60 x ½" id tubes 10" long, shell 13" dia x 19" high, Wkettle.
3 blades,
Shaft: 3/4" Stainless Steel
Old hull, entirely fitted out and steam plant installed by first owner Richard Mitchell. First steamed December 1991. Steamed approx 300 miles during 1992, and 300 miles during 1993. Ref: Funnel 78. Acquired 1995.