Owner: B. Rankine
Area: New Zealand
Paddle Launch.
Construction: Wood epoxy.
Built 1984 by Glyn Lancaster Jones at Port Dinorwic
LOA: 21' 9", LWL: 17' 0", Beam: 6' 10", Draft: 1' 0",
No.11. Clipper bow, counter stern, white, varnished mahogany upperworks, white and green canopy, 6 seats, wheel steering.
Babcock type WT Built by Mack Scott at Swanwick
1 drum with 2 box headers. Fitted 1998.
New launch built for C. N. Grummitt, River Thames, acquired Sept 1987. Steamed each year since. (1984 - 98 fitted with boiler now in MYTH OF MALHAM). Formerly owned by GH Pyman, on River Ure, Boroughbridge. Aquired by B Rankine 2004.