Status: No longer a Steamer - Converted to motor
Owner: S.R.St.J. Neill
Area: UK-Midlands
Canal Iceboat.
Construction: Riveted iron.
LOA: 30' 0", Beam: 7' 0",
4 berth, cabin forward, tiller steering, black. Built in Birmingham area.
V thimble tube Built 1960 by Clarkson
Fuel: Oil, Pressure: 120 psi,
Engine-driven fp, hand fp, two injectors No.3308., 2’3" dia x 5' high, 90 1.7/8" dia tubes and 9 cross tubes. (Fitted 1998). Atomising steam burner - 50:50 mix of kerosene and waste oil.
3 blades, 24" X 48"
Formerly Birmingham Canal Navigation ice breaker, later fitted with Bolinder IC engine. Converted to steam by owner. (c1980-c1986 in Peter Downer’s narrow boat GRAND DUCHESS at Banbury). (Boiler formerly in SWAN). Twin-cylinder single-acting Stuart (ex-locomotive) generating set, (previously owned by Alex Ritchie). Singe-cylinder overflow tank pump. Broke ice in January 2001. Kromhout semi-diesel fitted 2017