Owner: D. Moore
Area: UK-Midlands
Cornish Crabber.
Construction: Clinker larch on oak.
LOA: 17' 0", LWL: 15' 0", Beam: 5' 6",
Tiller steering, varnished. Believed built post WW2.
VFT Built 2000
Pressure: 150 psi, Grate area: ¾ sqft, Heating area: 13 sqft, Output: 100 lbs/hr,
No.101, shell 15" dia x 28" high, 72 x ¾" od tubes 16" long.
3 blades,
Shaft: 3/4" Stainless Steel
Bare hull acquired January 2000 from John Tilley, fully restored and steam plant installed by owner, for completion April 2000. First year fitted with 2¾" x 2½" sv, SLRG single. See: Funnel 109