Owner: G. Vaizey
Website: http://homepages.tesco.net/~janine.coomer
Area: UK-East Anglia
Open Launch.
Construction: GRP.
Hull model: Frolic 21
Built 1989 by Steam & Electric Launch Co. at Wroxham
LOA: 21' 0", LWL: 18' 0", Beam: 5' 7",
Counter stern, white, varnished mahogany deck and interior, tiller steering, brass funnel, canopy.
Kingdon type VFT Built 1989 by Langley Engineering at Storrington
Fuel: Coal, Pressure: 150 psi, Output: 300 lbs/hr,
Welded shell, 24" dia x 29" high, 140 x ½" tubes, 12 gall fw tank, exhaust fw heater, Wkettle.
3 blades, 16" X 26"
Shaft: 1" Stainless Steel
New launch, completely fitted out and steam plant fitted by owner 1989 - 1990. First steamed 1990. Steamed regularly since.