Owner: C.; H. Scanlan; Mothersole
Area: UK
Open Launch.
Construction: GRP.
Hull model: Wee Kate
Built c197
LOA: 15' 6", LWL: 14' 0", Beam: 5' 0", Draft: 1' 3",
Counter stern, white, varnished deck and interior, tiller steering.
3-drum WT Built c198
Pressure: 100 psi, Heating area: 970 sqft,
Steam drum 4" dia x 12" long, 33 x .5/8" tubes, hand fp, superheater.
3 blades, 10" X 14"
Moulded from same plug as WEE KATE but never fitted out. Bare hull acquired 1998 and fitted out and counter added by Chris Scanlan. Steam plant ex PUFF PUNT, acquired Hugh Mothersole 1992 and fitted 1999. First steamed 1999.