Owner: A. Berry
Area: UK-Solent
Open Launch.
Construction: Marine plywood.
Hull model: Morven in Buil
Built 1978 by Glyn Lancaster Jones at Todmorden
LOA: 24' 0", LWL: 21' 0", Beam: 5' 0", Draft: 1' 6",
No.2. Hard chine, straight stem, counter stern, blue, varnished deck and interior, 6 seats, tiller steering.
2-drum WT Built 1989 by Historic Steam Ltd. at Kew
Fuel: paraffin, Pressure: 120 psi,
Xhead driven fp & ap, Kcond. Steam drum 9" diam, mud drum 6". 30 x ¾" copper tubes. Casing 25" long, 24" wide, 28" high. Windermere kettle
3 blades, 14" X 17"
Shaft: 3/4" Stainless Steel
1978 built by Glyn Lancaster Jones, named MORVEN with Stuart-Turner 5A and Illingworth type WT boiler 1980 bare hull aquired by Frank Williamson, renamed WILLBEE, different 5A and Stanley type VFT boiler fitted 1983 second 5A fitted coupled to first to make HP twin 1989 Historic Steam 2-drum WT boiler fitted (125 psi, paraffin) 2000 aquired by Andrew Berry, renamed SPITFIRE, Anthony Bever compound & Precision Steam Blackstaffe type boiler fitted (1989, No.109, 1A size, 125 psi, 125lbs/hr, coal) from JENNY WREN 2003 hull extended from 20' to 24' - hull sawn in half and 4' section let in. 2004 Historic Steam 2-drum WT boiler refitted