Owner: H. Orr-Ewing
Area: UK-South West
Cabin/Saloon Launch.
Construction: Carvel mahogany.
Built 1972 by Harris’ Boatbuilders Ltd. at Chertsey
LOA: 41' 6", LWL: 37' 0", Beam: 7' 0",
Counter stern, varnished, aft saloon, 2 berths, canopy.
3-drum WT Built 1985 by Dorothea Restoration Engineers at Whaley Bridge
Fuel: kerosene, Pressure: 150 psi, Heating area: 60 sqft, Output: 450 lbs/hr,
Top drum 12" dia, mud drums 8" dia x 30" long, 144 x ¾" tubes 21" long, and 11 x 1½" tubes 8" long, 2 pressure jet burners, 600,000 btus, injector, casing 30" wide x 39" high x 33".
3 blades, 24" X 43"
Shaft: 40" mm
Originally built as electric launch EEL by Andrews & Son, Maidenhead c 1903. Found derelict 1966 by L.J.M. Weaver, Datchet, restored and plant fitted with 4" x 4" single and Merryweather ‘B’; c1969 Cochran engine and Merryweather ‘C’ No.7460 fitted. Acquired 1971, completely new launch built, plant re-fitted by owner. Ref: Funnel 100.