Status: Active use
Owner: Thomas Schmid
Area: Switzerland
Construction: Steel with wooden decks and superstructure..
Hull designed by Holtz
Built 1889 by Holtz at Hamburg Germany
Fit out by Holtz
LOA: 30' 0", LWL: 26' 7", Beam: 6' 7", Draft: 2' 2", Displacement: 5500 lbs.
Fan tail
HWT Designed by Chs Ball :CH,
Built 2000 by Balson at Stein a Rhein, Switzerland
Fuel: Wood briquettes, Pressure: 176 psi, Heating area: 0.7 sqft, Output: 330 lbs/hr,
Steel drum(s). Steel tubes. Welded steel drum and tubes construction,
condensing, engine driven pump, hand pump, injector, steam feed pump, Windermere kettle, whistle,
2 axle driven fp 1 steam fp, 1 hand pump, 1 injectors, 1 ap, Kcond.
Bronze, 3 blades, 30" X 40"
Built 1889 by Holtz in Hamburg for S.D.B.C. (Solothurner Dampfbootclub). Operated from 1889-1894 in Solothurn on the River Aare and the Lakes of Jura. Sold 1894 on the Lake of Lucerne. 1903 converted to electric power and renamed “Volta” on the Lake of Sarnen. 2005-2006 restored to the original state as a Canopy Steam Launch by the wharf of the SGV in Lucerne (Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des Vierwaldstättersees) and given the original Name “St. Urs”.