Owner: T. Febvret
Website: http://www.midship22.blogspot.com
Area: France
Construction: Clinker mahogany.
LOA: 18' 0", Beam: 6' 0",
Blackstaff type 3-drum WT Designed by Owner,
Built 2008 by Thierry Febvret at France
Fuel: solid fuel, Pressure: 118 psi, Grate area: 0.5 sqft, Heating area: 2.2 sqft,
Steel drum(s). 12 X 0.39" dia Copper tubes. Welders drums silver soldered copper tubes construction,
selectable condensing or non-condensing, engine driven pump, hand pump, feed water heater, Windermere kettle, whistle,
Inboard condenser, hypro pump
Bronze, 3 blades, Right Hand,
Hull bought in UK, found on Ebay, previously fitted with a Stuart petrol engine. clinkers replaced by Chantier Naval de la Passagère (Brittany, on river Rance). Deck and interior fitted out by owner. Re launched in july 2010