Owner: P. Shott
Area: UK-South East
Machinery built as a 7¼" gauge Shay locomotive, removed from wheels and frames when used in launch. Hull designed by owner to fit garage roof space. First steamed Sept 1990.
Owner: P Livet
Website: http://www.midship22.blogspot.com
Area: France
Former motor dinghy hull acquired in Feb 1974 by Peter Devrell. Plant installed and first steamed 22 Dec 1974 by Peter Devrell. Known as SONOR. (1974-1982, fitted with 1963 built VFT boiler) Acquired 16 Apr 2005 by Patrice Livet. Hull painted, hand feed pump fitted. Donkey pump fitted. Canopy fitted. Deck varnished. New whistle fitted. All by new owner. Steamed each year since 1974.
Status: Steaming
Owner: John Jewsbury
Area: UK-South East
Designed and built for Adian Birtles in 1992. Commissioned at Port Dinorwic 28th August 1993, then regularly steamed every year till laid up in 2001. Acquired by John Jewsbury in August 2008 and extensively re-furbished. Bare wood restoration to topsides and varnished in traditional varnish. All interior furnishings replaced and professionally re upholstered to a very high standard. New boiler chassis and floor fabricated together with new feedwater heater and steam dryer elements by Glyn Lancaster Jones who made the original boiler. Extensively re-plumbed in copper to replace an assortment of stainless additions which had appeared after Adrian sold the boat in April 1999. The new owner, Bill Hattersley, used the boat regularly for a year before laying her up for some 9 years! She was sold to the current owner in 2008. After La Melinite was renovated she has been steamed and used every year since re commissioning in June 2010. Her boiler was retubed early in 2021. Her boiler log is complete and up to date.
Status: Steaming
Owner: John and Astrid Richardson
Area: UK South East
Maiden steaming was on Bewl Water near Lamberhurst, Kent 9th April 2015
Owner: M.J. Rutland
Area: UK-North East
New launch, ordered by owner’s wife, unbeknown to him, he had planned to built it himself. First steamed June 1988.
Status: Renamed - now LuLuJo
New launch was built and fitted out completely by Ralph Pullen and first steamed in 2000 Ref: Funnel 97. The boat passed to Mike Bell on Ralph's premature death. Sold 2014 to Mike & Eileen Hanson - KJS
Owner: T. Logan
Area: UK-South West
New to Walter Knight fitted with Stuart Turner petrol engine, several other owners until acquired 1997. Fully restored by owner and Geoff Holman, son of builder, steam plant fitted 1998, first steamed July 1998.
Owner: R.E. Knott
Area: UK-Solent
Commissioned as a new build but strictly to an Edwardian design in late 2002. Completed and delivered in 2006. Built to the maximum length easily trailerable. Only the minimum of electrics but not to include boiler control (I can be stubborn!)
Status: No longer a Steamer - Retired
Owner: Formerly Richard E Knott
Website: http://www.luscombevalleysteam.com
Area: UK-Solent
Now sold into a private collection in Cheshire.
Owner: P.S. Ireland
Area: UK-Wales
Hull built, fitted out and plant installed by owner, first steamed July 1980. Named after GWR ‘Saint’ class locomotive.Ref: Funnel 25. (formerly in owners 45' steel narrow boat TARRAGON).
Owner: R. Havard
Area: UK-Wales
Hull originally owned by Iain Miles. Aquired Richard Havard, 2004 - under construction.
Owner: G.H. Pattinson
Area: UK
Found by George Pattinson when derelict during 1950’s, salvaged, restored and plant fitted. Now on display in Windermere Steamboat Museum.
Status: Superseded
Owner: J. Dickinson
Area: UK
Built 2004/5 to owner’s specification, engine and boiler installation completed by owner.
Status: Fettling needed - resting
Owner: Paul Nettleship
Area: UK-North
Built 2004/2005 by Jeff Dickinson of St.Ives nr Cambridge, purchased by present owner 2018
Owner: B. & T. Jones
Website: http://www.westleighchiropractic.com.au/steamboat/
Area: Australia
Originally designed by George Whitney (USA) as his 95th steamboat, "Siesta", but never built. (Reference- 'Steamboats and Modern Steam Launches' ed Bill Durham, and 'The Steam Launch', Bill Mitchell) Lines modified by Colin Wear, (S.L. Wear) and mould stations built by Lindsay Drabsch. Mould stations obtained by Paul Kinny when Lindsay had finished his own foam sandwich hull (Siesta 11), and Customwood plug and then GRP mould made by Paul. GRP hull laid up by Paul Kinny and the owner, Brian Jones. Originally launched January 26, 1994 with Blaxland Twin 2 stroke petrol engine. Relaunched in steam, January 26, 2002. (Australia Day). Engine obtained as a swap for Blaxland engine. Articles- 'Classic Boat', March, 2003 Issue 177, Funnel 119, p 55.
Owner: A.F. Philpot
Area: UK-South East
New launch built and fitted out by owner. First steamed Sept 1985. Approx 120 miles steamed per year. New boiler fitted in 2013 first steamed 13/09/12 on workmate in garden. First sail in December in Danson park. New Engine to be fitted this season.
Status: No longer a Steamer - Converted to Electric
Owner: J.M.B.S. Knill
Area: UK-South West
Built as electric hire launch for Immisch fleet, found derelict at Bedford 1970, acquired May 1980, hull restored by Terry Hardick, Bath 1980-2, plant fitted by owner 1982-3. (1982-5 fitted with Mumford 41/2"+ 41/2" x 5"). (Boiler formerly in NAUTILUS 1970 and VICEROY 1977). Steam plant thought to have been removed 2012ish - KJS
Owner: K. Elliott
Area: UK-Scotland
Previously named Melinda. Hull built to first owner Alan Brunton’s requirements, plant installed by Ken Moore, first steamed Sept 1981. Owned R.Graham 1990’s. Aquired ?.
Status: Laid Up - Not yet had time to work on it
Owner: B. Forster
Area: Australia
The Hull was rescued from Hobarts Prince of Wales Bay in poor condition early 2001and restored. THe original petrol engine and drive shaft was removed along with a homemade cabin!. The internal space has been extended and coamings made/fitted. She also now has a custom made traditional style cream and burgandy fringed canopy.
Status: Steaming
Owner: Kim and René Widmer
Website: http://www.db-lady-makepeace.ch
Area: Switzerland
Imported in pieces to Switzerland, set together in about 1000 hour from the previous owner Peter Sennhauser with the help from Alex Ritchie. First put in the water in May 1990 on lake Zürich. Bought December 2011 by the present owners. Since 2012 steaming on Lake Constance. Boiler retubed in spring 2017 by Kevin Slater, Manor Farm Engineering, Chew Stoke, England
Status: Steaming
Owner: Christopher East
Area: UK-Thames
Previously Sir T Fireball. Fitted out and steam plant fitted by builders for E.H.S. Warner, Hayling Island. c1987 Michael Collings, Cardiff. Acquired c1988. Purchased by KG Hanlon c.1988. Laid up for 20 years. Sold in 2007. Found and purchased by his grandson Christopher East in 2018. Currently undergoing major restoration in Marlow at Wootten's Boatyard. Aim to be steaming early spring 2021. Relaunched March 2023 on the Goring Gap, with all the family.
Status: Renamed - now Bunnahabhain
Owner: Roger Martin
Area: UK-Scotland
New boat, designed and entirely fitted out and steam plant installed by owner. First steamed 1995 and steamed each year since. Originally fitted with a 1994 Reeves Commander (modified) engine 2" + 2" x 2½", 2 ftc, 2 cbs, 500 rpm, sv, SLRG with 3 blade, 15" x 26" propeller. Replaced 2003. Originally fitted with coal fired VFT built by Alan Howarth at Preston in 1994-95. 150 psi. Shell 16" dia x 31" high, all copper, silver soldered, SS superheater, W.kettle, twin cyl Weir type fp. Replaced 2002. Sold to Roger Martin in Scotland in 2014, now called Bunnahabhain - KJS
Owner: John King
Area: UK-South West
The launch was built for Sir Arthur Goodson as a tender for his large twin screw motor yacht “Lady May” which was built by Philip and Son Ltd, Dartmouth, at the same time. Sir Arthur Goodson died before completion of his yacht and the launch was owned briefly by members of the Philip family of Dartmouth with the name “Dunsley”, before being sold to Professor F Summers of Dartmouth in 1933. She passed to his daughter Marigold on his death, and after 67 years in the same family was bought by the present owner in 2000. Although originally fitted with a petrol engine, “Lady May” is typical of Edwardian launches of the type, either steam or motor. The Savery compound now installed was the final refinement of steam launch engine design, at the very end of it’s development. It can be fairly described as the Rolls Royce of steam engines.
Status: Laid Up
Owner: Tony Anderson
Area: UK South East
Fitted out 1986-1987 by Don Harmer, Amberley Chalk Pits Museum, W. Sussex for first owner Angus Mackintosh. Acquired at SBA AGM Stratford-on-Avon, Feb 1989, by Peter Shirtcliffe, used on River Great Ouse, c1996 sold to David Seaman. Sold to present owner August 2017. To be used on Basingstoke Canal at Odeham
Owner: G. Crowe
Area: UK-North East
Built and fitted out as a steamer by Herbert Dorey in time for the Henley Trad Boat Regatta Oct 1981, named ELLERY QUEEN. Sold to H.G. Edwards, Chingford. 1992 owned by Derek Parnaby, Co. Durham. Hull completely refurbished by E.&S, Gott, Pickering. Fresh steam plant fitted . Acquired 1997.
Owner: G. Chesterman
Area: UK-East Anglia
The original ‘Frolic’ hull, built, fitted out and plant installed by R. Latham, named FROLIC. First steamed May 1981. Sept 1981 acquired by John A. Pearce, Nottingham and renamed. Acquired July 1988, Steamed each year since. Now registered under a ‘flag of convenience’ in Monrovia (Liberia) but operating in the UK on the Fens.
Owner: Lord Forsyth
Area: UK-Scotland
New boat built to owners specification. First steamed August 2003
Owner: Charles Lallow
Area: UK-Solent
New launch built and fitted out by owner. First steamed June 1994.
Status: Active use
Owner: Migges Glaser
Website: http://www.dampfboote.de
Area: Germany
Built by owner as an "off the shelf project" for someone who had no previous skills in steam boat building. Trailerable boat for all european waterways, and costal waters Changes: new engine 2005, new boiler 2012, flap rudder 2020, central lubrication 2021
Owner: G.M. Patten
Area: UK-West London
Designed, built and fitted out by first owner, R. G. White, can be carried on car roof rack, with plant in the boot. First steamed 1982. Acquired 1987.
Status: No longer a Steamer - Converted to motor
Owner: S.R.St.J. Neill
Area: UK-Midlands
Formerly Birmingham Canal Navigation ice breaker, later fitted with Bolinder IC engine. Converted to steam by owner. (c1980-c1986 in Peter Downer’s narrow boat GRAND DUCHESS at Banbury). (Boiler formerly in SWAN). Twin-cylinder single-acting Stuart (ex-locomotive) generating set, (previously owned by Alex Ritchie). Singe-cylinder overflow tank pump. Broke ice in January 2001. Kromhout semi-diesel fitted 2017
Status: Active use
Owner: Paul Self
Area: UK-North East
New boat, steam plant installed by first owner Chris Trueman, first steamed July 1986. Used on River Dee & Shopshire Union Canal. Purchased Dec 2005 by Paul Self based on R.Tees. Steamed every year since.
Owner: C Bomba
Area: USA
Hull moulded from 1900s inland harbour tug. CG approved for 12 people. Originally owned by Dave Thompson of Moultonboro, NH. Originally fitted with HWT boiler and Navy 'B' engine, then Semple 3" + 5" x 4" , then Semple-Mills compound 2.1/2" + 4.7/8" x 4"
Owner: A. Walshaw
Area: UK-North
Former River Thames canoe, on Windermere since c1920, owned by J. Hutchinson, c1974-84, acquired by owner, restored and plant fitted 1982-3. (Formerly had 2.1/2" x 2.1/4" single.)
Owner: D.C. Eager
Area: UK-Thames
Formerly operated as a passenger launch by the Low Wood Hotel on Lake Windermere. Converted to electric. New owner David Eager plans return to steam 2001 2005 No plans to return to steam.
Owner: A.J. Gowing
Area: France
Built to first owner David Judd’s requirements, c1995-6 sold to Anthony Gordon and taken to France. Acquired by owner Oct 1997, hull and machinery re-fitted. SSR 68253. Approx kilometres steamed 1998 - 199; 1999 - 50.
Owner: G. May
Area: UK-North West
New boat, fitted out and plant installed by owner. First steamed 23 June 1986. Miles steamed 1986, 125; 1987 200. Steamed each year since.
Status: Steaming
Owner: Beat Bolzern
Website: http://www.liberty-belle.ch
Area: Switzerland
The boat was built in 1987 by G.Lancaster Jones for a local client in England. It is the last one from a series of three small paddle steamer. First he manufactured a 20 foot boat of the Minette class, then a 30 foot boat of the Minerva class, and finally Liberty Belle, a member of the Minerva class with 24 foot length. The first owner resold the boat, which he never drove, after a relatively short time to Mr.Penman. Since the paddle steamer was nearly unusable in the original state it was not of much use to the new owner. He let the ship decline even further until he decided to sell her. In 1993 Chraesi Herbert Schuler bought the boat from Mr.L.W.Penman and transferred it to Switzerland. It was overhauled completely and received major modifications. The water-tube boiler was converted from gas to Diesel firing and instead of the keel condenser a lateral v-condenser was installed. To improve the handling, a new, larger chrome-plated steel rudder blade was installed. In addition, the boat was smartened up cosmetically: the front mast was removed, the top sides of the side boxes are now natural wood painted and the diameter of the chimney was reduced from 30cm to 25cm. In order to protect from problems caused by strong winds, the fixed roof was replaced by an easily dismountable tent-roof. The machinery also had the benefit of a general overhaul with many new parts being manufactured. On 1st October 1994 the boat was tested in a swimming pool!! And on 5 October 1994 the boat made its the first voyage on Swiss waters. In the following years further improvements were accomplished: the original rigid paddle wheels were replaced in 1995 with controlled ones (controlled via eccentric). Later a fresh water suction was installed so that the conventional feed pump can fill the Hotwell (three-chamber). To improve the efficiency of the boiler a water pre-heater was installed. After some time the oil firing proved unsatisfactory. The energy consumption was too high, the burner worked unreliably and the affair was generally too dirty! Thus in 2001 the water-tube boiler was converted to conventional wood/coal firing. The present owner bought the boat in 2004. After several modifications It was in a good condition and ready for giving us much pleasure.
Status: Undergoing restoration
Owner: Jim Huntley
Website: http://www.youtube.com/steamandthings
Area: UK-South West
New hull fitted out and plant installed by first owner Brian Smith, first steamed 1985. Acquired 1997 by John MacMillan and used in Scotland. Acquired by Mark Fensome. Purchased by the present owner in a derelict state on 27/10/24.
Owner: F. Malatier
Area: France
New launch entirely designed, built and fitted out by owner. Launched 28th March 1999
Owner: C. Johnson
Area: UK
Former Humber River ferry, withdrawn from service 1978. Restaurant ship at Hessle 1983-7. 1988 at Immingham for repairs. Now at Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, open as restaurant, bar. Lincoln Castle Carvery. Contact 01472 242945.
Status: Steaming
Owner: Joshua Ward
Area: UK-South East
Fitted out by owner Ian Whatley using a trawler/tug lifeboat hull built for NE Coast fishing boat. Originally fitted with Taylor compound 2¼" + 3?" x 2½" built by Ian Whateley 1997-98. SLRG, sv, on 5 turned columns, ecc driven fp, Xhead driven air pump, 350 rpm, 2-3 IHP, k.cond. And coal-fired Babcock type WT boiler, 150 psi, hs 12½ sqft, grate 1½ sqft.Steam drum 6" dia x 20" long, 51 x ¾" OD tubes 15" long. Casing 2' 6" long 2' wide, W.kettle, design idea by Mack Scott. With 15" x 18" prop. Steam plant installed and first steamed 1998. Approx miles steamed, 1998 - 4; 1999 - 52. Plant removed and hull sold to David Molyneux 2005 who fitted new plant.
Status: No longer a Steamer - Sold to proud new owner
Area: UK-West Midlands
Boat moored at Stafford Boat Club, Staffs and Worchester Canal. New build using steam plant from Radnor. Engine direct drives a 3:1 Fenner gearbox giving approx 600 rpm output to propeller. Boat build took place in/post lockdown1 2020. Boat steamed and test run... propeller may need to be modified to meet canal speeds and engine speeds/steam use.
Owner: T.; G. Jenkins; Jenkins
Area: UK-West London
New boat built to owners specification, first steamed May 1993. Fitted out using 60 year old timber from a flour mill. (1993-7 fitted with owner built A, Bever compound)
Owner: David Howard
Area: UK-Chiltern
Purchased by me in 2011,used often, moored on Thames-Mr Butcher now passed away the Boat is a tribute to his fine engineering skills.Previously named "Serenity"
Owner: B.J. Rigling
Area: Germany
Built and fitted out by first owner Roger Cadogan, at first named WREN for short period. First steamed May 1986 Poole Harbour and English Canals. 1992 sold to present owner, removed to Gemany. Steamed at steamboat meetings on the Rhein-Main-Donar-Canal and River Mosal.
Status: Steaming
Owner: Mark Kennedy
Area: UK-Northern Ireland
Originally named SL Samantha and used around Windermere. Later went to Norfolk. Moved to Northern Ireland and renamed SL Lucinda. Used in Bangor area and Lough Erne.
Status: Active use
Owner: Mike & Eileen Hanson
Website: http://www.rlsr.org
Area: UK-North West
Formerly the Lady Barbara built by Ralph Pullen, Purchased by present owners in October 2014 via Mike Bell and renamed LuLuJo after our 3 grandchildren. Now steams on Rudyard Lake and Windermere
Owner: W. Findlay
Area: UK-Thames
New as UNA of SHALDON, fitted out as a steamer with Stuart Turner 5A and Clarkson type WTB by Ken Sclater, Shaldon. Acquired and renamed LUNA by Barry Hughes, Northam, Devon, Acquired October 1992 by Robin Macgregor Grieve, fresh steam plant fitted 1993, renamed again, laid up 1997-8. Acquired Oct 1998, steamed each year since.
Owner: G.N. Westwood
Area: UK-South West
New boat, fitted out by owner 1991-4, first steamed Agust 1994. Steamed each year since.
Owner: Lydia Eva & Mincarlo Trust
Website: http://www.eastcoastlive.co.uk/great-yarmouth/lydia_eva.h
Area: UK-East Anglia
Built for Harry Eastick, Great Yarmouth, YH89. Sold 1938, later Air Ministry as mooring tender, 1948 renamed WATCHMOOR. 1969 to Maritime Trust for preservation, restored, open to public Yarmouth 1970-78, London 1978-86, laid up 1986-90, Chartered by Lydia Eva Trust from Maritime Trust, returned to East Anglia for restoration & display. 1996 purchased by owners for nominal £1